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Black Belt Programme

What is a Black Belt?

The definition of a black belt by the Founder of ITF Taekwon-Do (General Choi Hong hi) is “Opposite to white, therefore signifying maturity and proficiency in Tae Kwon-Do. Also indicates the wearer’s imperviousness to darkness and fear”.

A Black Belt holder is a student who did not give up. A Black Belt student has worked hard and has learned all of the required techniques for coloured belts.

A Black Belt is the next step on your Taekwon-Do journey and means that you have demonstrated proficiency in Taekwon-Do, it does not mean that you are an “expert” but that you are continuing to learn at a higher level.

The Black Belt is a reminder of the tremendous personal growth you’ve made while training, becoming fit, learning technique, gaining confidence, becoming disciplined, showing respect, overcoming mental and physical challenges. It’s not about the physical belt, it’s about all of the challenges that you have overcome during you Taekwon-Do journey to this point.

A Black Belt holder fully understands and embraces the tenets of Taekwon-Do

How long does it take to become a Black Belt?

Most students who apply themselves and train regularly under the guidance of our highly trained instructors will achieve their Black Belt within 3 to 5 years, but it doesn’t just stop there. With dedication and training you can continue your journey through 9 levels of black belt, with the highest being Grand Master – 9th Dan.

The UKTC President is Grand Master Peter Harkess (9th Dan) with over 45 years of experience in Taekwon-Do.

Two of my children go and after a bit if persuasion I joined too at the ripe old age of 48. Im loving it
Ally McDonald
Taekwon-Do started as a hobby, now it's my life! It's been an incredible journey from being a student, to now being an instructor for the UKTC.
Cameron Sherlock
3rd Dan Black Belt

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